Monday 14 December 2009

Initial idea

Our initial idea is based in the early 19th Century and the plot is based on a woman called Martha who is in her late teens. One day she goes for a walk by the river and falls. She is helped by a young gentlemen who she feels a connection with and they spend time together but then he leaves without giving his name. Martha feels a sense of loss that she may never see who she believes to be her true love again. Martha attends her best friends engagement party and when her friend introduces Martha to her husband to be it is the same young gentleman. Both Martha and the young gentleman whose name she finds out to be, William cannot stand to be apart and realise that they have to leave together. But Martha has to face the facts that she will loose everything, which includes her role in society, her family and her wealth if she leaves with him.

The location of our trailer will be somewhere with large open grounds, a wood, a grand manor house and a smaller manor house, with the challenges of making it look like a realistic period drama we need the right landscape, props and costume for the audience to realize that its an 19th century period drama and we feel that basing most of the trailer outside we can achieve this.
Our target audience will be 15 + and our genre is period drama.
We originally got our idea because of our love for period dramas, some of our favourites include films such as Pride & Prejudice 2005, Sense & Sensibility 1995, Becoming Jane 2007 and television series such as Pride & Prejudice 1995 and Lost In Austen 2008.

Our film is a combination of Pride & Prejudice meets Serendipity. This is because our film has similar themes to both of these films, its set in the early 19th century which is when Pride & Prejudice is set and has a similar plot/theme to Serendipity when a young man and woman meet, instantly feel a connection but don't find out each others names and decide to leave it to fate to see if they ever meet again.

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