Wednesday 23 December 2009

Evaluation: How Did You Use New Media Technologies In The Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

· This is a document upload site which allows you to upload word files and embed them onto your blog and other sites.

· I have used it to upload long word files which I would find hard to copy into a blog post.

· I have also used it allow the viewer to view the word document easily.

· An example of me using Scribd on my blog is my screenplay:


· YouTube has allowed me to look at various tears trailers and clips from period dramas which would help me with researching and planning.

· I have also used it to upload videos onto my blog by using the embedded code given on the YouTube videos information.

· An example of this is on my post about a music video that had given us inspiration to create our teaser trailer:

· YouTube allowed me to change the size of the video, the quality and change the colour and boarder of the video.


· Blogger has allowed me to show the progression in my work over the past few months.

· This is done by me creating separate posts with work I have completed.

· I have used Blogger to upload all the written aspects of my coursework.

· I find it very easy to use and it allows me to update my work at home as well as school.

· I have used IMDB for most of my research into period dramas, teaser trailers, film budgets, film settings, actors and actresses included in a film and recommended films of a similar genre.

· IMDB works like a search engine but it is classed as a database.

· IMDB has been very useful in my coursework especially for research into Period dramas. This helped for me to know the directors involved in these films, the actors/ actress’s, the budgets, the box office takings and were they filmed these films.


· This allowed me to edit our teaser poster, our poster and our magazine cover.

· I was able to incorporate several images into one document allowing our posters and magazine covers too include more than one image.

· With Photoshop I was also able to save my work as JPEGs which allowed me to post them on my blog.

· Some of the images used on my ancillary tasks were taken directly from our teaser trailer.

· Example of using Photoshop is our poster:


· Facebook has been very helpful with audience feedback of our teaser trailer.

· It allowed us to post our first rough cut onto Fcaebook to get audience feedback from our friends and family, this then allows us to improve it.

· The users of Facebook are our target audience so using this social networking site was vital and allowed us to get feedback from different people.

I Movie

· We used I Movie on the Macs at school to edit and produce our teaser trailer.

· We did find it hard to do work out of school though because neither of us in our group had a Mac at home resulting in neither of us having the appropriate software.

· I Movie also allowed us to save as a certain file type so that we were able to burn our teaser trailer onto a DVD and upload our teaser trailer onto our blogs.

· It also allowed us to use some effects in our teaser trailer.


· We used a scanner to scan our storyboard onto the computer so that we were able to put it onto out blogs.

· An example of when i used the scanner is on this post which shows my storyboard:

Portable Digital Sound Recorder

· We used this to record the voice over for our teaser trailer and the non diagetic music.

· This was handy because it allowed us to record in a quiet room because it was portable.

· It was easy to use and we were able to upload a few recordings onto the computer.


· This piece of hardware allowed us to record our teaser trailer.

· It involved using a DV tape and a tripod for shots that needed to not be shaky.

· These camcorders were easy to use and easy to transport around.

· They allowed us to shot our footage and upload the footage straight onto the software we were using ( I Movie)

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