Monday 19 October 2009

Codes and Conventions Of Film Trailers (3)

Moulin Rouge

  • The music increase tempo when the shots become faster paced, this signifies action and drama; this is near the end of the trailer.

  • There is a male voice over at the beginning of the trailer which sets the scene for the plot of the film.
  • No voice over’s or speech from the main characters at the end of the trailer, just text. This signifies drama to the audience.

P.S I Love You

  • The voice over’s are mainly from scenes in the film which helps the audience understand the plot.

  • To attract the audience and signify the genre to the audience (romcom) scenes of comedy and romance are used in the trailer.

  • With the plot being based around the main character writing letters the font of the title is in a hand written style.

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