Monday 4 January 2010

Improved Final Piece


We have improved our final piece because the audio for the voice over was too quiet so we increased the volume levels. 

Wednesday 23 December 2009


After gaining audience feedback on our finished trailer we found that it would be more affective to include a voice over on the trailer. This would give our video further anchorage that it is in fact a trailer and will signify the genre and plot of the trailer further.
We decided to use the main female protagonists voice as the voice over because it would give further anchorage that this is in fact her point of view and that she is key to the plot of this film/trailer.
This is the dialogue that we added:

"The definition of love is the object of warm affection or devotion. But what do you do when your love is to be with another, someone else's other. your love is to be married and it is not to you. do you runaway, do you make him sacrifice everything to be with you? Together forever or apart till death. For All I Know."

2nd Rough Cut of Teaser Trailer

Final Cut Of Teaser Trailer

Taylor Swift "Love Story" Music Video

If the video is two small please click on the video to be taken directly to the video on YouTube.

This music video gave us some rough ideas for our teaser trailer. We already had the story/plot planned out when we remembered this music video which gave us some further ideas. this music video does include some modern aspects which our trailer does not but its a similar genre and a slightly similar plot to our teaser trailer.


This is what our storyboard includes:
  • Close up of a letter
  • Logo
  • Extreme long shot of her in the woods
  • A Spotlighted Production
  • Medium shot of man
  • Introducing actors name
  • High angle her looking up to camera from floor
  • And Brooke Shipley
  • Over the shoulder shot (mans shoulder) of her laughing
  • Extreme long shot of her walking towards camera
  • Over the shoulder shot of him walking away
  • Medium shot of her stood outside the Hall in the dark looking sad
  • Text
  • Side angle shot of her beginning to run
  • Side long shot of the man and the woman’s friend opposite the woman
  • Extreme long shot of her with her back to the camera walking away and the man going after her and grabbing her hand
  • Text
  • Long shot rear view of her running away from the camera
  • Side view close up of her and him looking at each other and him touching her hair
  • For All I Know
  • Begins as long shot front view of her running towards the camera suddenly slowing until she reaches the camera – extreme close-up of her face
  • Coming Soon

  • Evaluation: How Did You Use New Media Technologies In The Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

    · This is a document upload site which allows you to upload word files and embed them onto your blog and other sites.

    · I have used it to upload long word files which I would find hard to copy into a blog post.

    · I have also used it allow the viewer to view the word document easily.

    · An example of me using Scribd on my blog is my screenplay:


    · YouTube has allowed me to look at various tears trailers and clips from period dramas which would help me with researching and planning.

    · I have also used it to upload videos onto my blog by using the embedded code given on the YouTube videos information.

    · An example of this is on my post about a music video that had given us inspiration to create our teaser trailer:

    · YouTube allowed me to change the size of the video, the quality and change the colour and boarder of the video.


    · Blogger has allowed me to show the progression in my work over the past few months.

    · This is done by me creating separate posts with work I have completed.

    · I have used Blogger to upload all the written aspects of my coursework.

    · I find it very easy to use and it allows me to update my work at home as well as school.

    · I have used IMDB for most of my research into period dramas, teaser trailers, film budgets, film settings, actors and actresses included in a film and recommended films of a similar genre.

    · IMDB works like a search engine but it is classed as a database.

    · IMDB has been very useful in my coursework especially for research into Period dramas. This helped for me to know the directors involved in these films, the actors/ actress’s, the budgets, the box office takings and were they filmed these films.


    · This allowed me to edit our teaser poster, our poster and our magazine cover.

    · I was able to incorporate several images into one document allowing our posters and magazine covers too include more than one image.

    · With Photoshop I was also able to save my work as JPEGs which allowed me to post them on my blog.

    · Some of the images used on my ancillary tasks were taken directly from our teaser trailer.

    · Example of using Photoshop is our poster:


    · Facebook has been very helpful with audience feedback of our teaser trailer.

    · It allowed us to post our first rough cut onto Fcaebook to get audience feedback from our friends and family, this then allows us to improve it.

    · The users of Facebook are our target audience so using this social networking site was vital and allowed us to get feedback from different people.

    I Movie

    · We used I Movie on the Macs at school to edit and produce our teaser trailer.

    · We did find it hard to do work out of school though because neither of us in our group had a Mac at home resulting in neither of us having the appropriate software.

    · I Movie also allowed us to save as a certain file type so that we were able to burn our teaser trailer onto a DVD and upload our teaser trailer onto our blogs.

    · It also allowed us to use some effects in our teaser trailer.


    · We used a scanner to scan our storyboard onto the computer so that we were able to put it onto out blogs.

    · An example of when i used the scanner is on this post which shows my storyboard:

    Portable Digital Sound Recorder

    · We used this to record the voice over for our teaser trailer and the non diagetic music.

    · This was handy because it allowed us to record in a quiet room because it was portable.

    · It was easy to use and we were able to upload a few recordings onto the computer.


    · This piece of hardware allowed us to record our teaser trailer.

    · It involved using a DV tape and a tripod for shots that needed to not be shaky.

    · These camcorders were easy to use and easy to transport around.

    · They allowed us to shot our footage and upload the footage straight onto the software we were using ( I Movie)